About the Year Long Series

The path to unshakable well-being lies in being completely present and open to all sights, all sounds, all thoughts; never withdrawing, never hiding, never needing to jazz them up or tune them down. ~ Pema Chodron

Tapping into a mind as vast as the sky is not only possible, it is your natural state of well-being.  By doing so, you’re returning home. Every Thursday, join Karuna to explore through the lens of Tibetan Buddhism the tips, tricks, and tools that will leave you unflappable no matter what’s going on.  The Thursday morning “gang” has been meeting since the very beginning of Mind Oasis. Since Winter 2017, friends have come and gone, many staying for all four years. New and old friends alike are welcome!

You can expect fiery inspiration, vast compassion filled open-hearted conversation, and potent useful teachings that will help you cope and thrive with and in the vicissitudes of life.  During this year-long study, there will be an opportunity to read about a chapter per week between sessions. The readings are optional, but will help provide context to the sessions.  

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