Freedom Through the Wisdom of No Escape

A 9-Week Series with Karuna

8:00am CT (60 minutes with an optional 15 minutes to chat in small groups at the end), Thursdays

13 January - 10 March 2022

(convert to your time zone)

Each Thursday morning session will be an invitation to restore and recharge your battery, recommit to your personal well-being, and to lean into finding ground when life is groundless and a mind that is vast when everything around us is begging us to close down. Thursday mornings are meant to be a refueling station of compassion, lovingkindness, equanimity, and empathetic joy mixed with a little f*ck yes of friendship and glitter. 

In this module, we will be leaning on Pema Chödrön’s book, “Wisdom of No Escape.” 

“People find it quite easy to have beliefs and to hold on to them and to let their whole world be a product of their belief system. They also find it quite easy to attack those who disagree. The harder, more courageous thing, which the hero and the heroine, the warrior, and the mystic do, is continually to look one’s beliefs straight in the face, honestly and clearly, and then step beyond them. That requires a lot of heart and kindness. It requires being able to touch and know completely, to the core, your own experience, without harshness, without making any judgment.” Pema Chodron

Drawing on our own innate wisdom and experiences, we will explore letting go of judgment, picking up honesty, and leaning into life with vulnerability and love.

“This is the book that saved my life when I was on an extended meditation retreat.  Every time I wanted to shut down or run away, I opened up this book to the most perfect sentence or two that gifted me the wisdom I needed exactly in that moment to remind me to stay with whatever was arising.” - Karuna

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

About Karuna

Leaning on the stellar instruction she has received from her teachers -- Hector Marcel, Kelly Lindsey, Denise Deniger, Michael Hewett, and Keith Kachtick, and Life Itself, Karuna designs her classes to create the type of reflection from which you can find a meaningful and enriching life. 

Sassy, fun, and knowledgeable, class with Karuna is sure to inspire.  You can expect to learn exactly what you need to create a joyful and curious life.  Expect your paradigm to shift in playful and potent ways. 

Karuna has studied Tibetan Buddhism extensively. She has taught and guided hundreds of hours of meditation sessions.  It is her greatest desire that all beings be happy and free.

When she isn't guiding meditation, working on writing a book, teaching a Dharma class, or trail running, you will find Karuna hiking with her husband Joseph and two dogs, Ruby Rose and Stella Bean in the mountains of ColoRocky. 

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