Join Us!

For the Year or Just a Module

Expect that each week we’ll discuss a new quote or chapter from the book of choice for that particular series; coupled with meditation practices designed to bring about insight, compassion, and wisdom. Your heart-felt experiences will inform our time together while Karuna expertly weaves this into day-to-day practices you can experiment with both on and off the cushion.

“My vision is that participants will leave each session feeling recharged and energized for whatever uncertainty and change they meet that week.  To live beautifully requires us to spend time in quiet reflection, mindful action, and self-care/retreat.  Finding a way to integrate spiritual practices into each breath we take and our actions while living and working out and about in the world is my greatest desire.  Together we will explore the many ways we each are caring and supporting others and ourselves.” -- Karuna

Whether you sign up for the entire year or just one series at a time, the touchstone of one hour each devoted to living beautifully will have a profound effect on your spirit.

Throughout the year we will augment our readings and teachings with her book, “Practicing Peace in Times of War.”

Pricing options

Save $300 buy purchasing the year or $135 by committing to the year with a 3-month payment plan.