The Five Great Insights (Vipassana)

A Master Class with Michael Hewett

7 November 2021

Sunday at 6:30pm (2 hours)

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Deep realizations into the nature of the self & the reality we find ourselves in can come at any time in any form, sometimes through traumatic experiences or through steady practice & philosophical rigor. Studying the 5 great insights helps us process these potentially cathartic, life altering epiphanies in stable, sane & productive ways as they appear to us. 


There are five key insights that lead to Awakening:

  1. Impermanence
  2. Emptiness (shunyata)
  3. The Causal Interdependence of all phenomena
  4. The nature of suffering
  5. The illusoriness of a separate self

During this 2-hour workshop we will discuss, explore & share best practices to gain insight into: Impermanence, Emptiness (shunyata), The Causal Interdependence of all phenomena, The nature of suffering & The illusoriness of a separate self. 

Pricing Options

Master Classes are included in the Immersion registration fee. Anyone wishing to join independently, can enjoy tiered-pricing options.Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

About Michael

Michael is a musician of 30 years and a Yogi of over 20 years. Michael has over 2,000 hours of Yoga trainings in Tibetan Buddhist Sutra & Tantra (open & secret traditions), Vinyasa, Ashtanga, ISHTA and Shamatha (mind training). Michael has completed four 30-day solitary Tantric retreats and 10 vipassana retreats. He guides people on their individual paths of growth and evolution.

His classes, workshops, and retreats weave together dharma, asana, meditation, and live music to guide participants along their paths with scholarship and artistry. He is the founder and director of Vessel Academy and a graduate of Berklee College of Music.

Watch Intro Video

Meet Michael on Meditation Happy Hour

with Karuna

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About the Meditation Immersion

Karuna and Guest Teachers
September 2021 – Feb 2022

The 300-hour immersion is designed to amplify your practice and your life. With two-tracks (teacher training and personal growth), you can decide where you want to go on this journey. You can join from the comfort of your home or anywhere you are in the world, as all classes – including the opening retreat – are live and online.

The sessions are interactive – this is not a pre-recorded course. Real training. Real talk. Real people.

The Immersion Consists of Two Modules
- Module One: Establishing and Amplifying Your Personal Practice*

Topics Include: Preliminaries, Shamatha Meditation, Stages of Meditation; Ayurveda, Subtle Body, and Your Practice.

- Module Two: Serving Yourself and Others

Topics Include: Creating safe spaces, Ethics and Meditation, and Trauma-Informed Methodology.

Find out more & sign up here.

All sessions are recorded and available to participants always.

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Enter your info below to receive notifications for the Immersion with Karuna and guests.