The Fifth Chakra

with Melissa Grogan

6-week Series - Join any time!

8 June - 13 July 2021

Tuesdays at 6:30pm CT (75 minutes) time zone converter

Recordings available for practice on your own time!

“I speak my truth with loving awareness.”

“I stand in the light of my truth and I honor yours.” 

The Fifth Chakra. The bridge between energetic centers and between us and the other. When in alignment, it has the potential to link all centers towards the aim of manifesting our reality. When out of alignment, it can feel very disempowering, frustrating, and lack the subtle nuance of resonance, tone, intention.

Our words reflect our thought process. Our sound reflects our inner state. Our ability to listen governs our response to another. Whether we are aware of these things or not, they are components of all communication. The more we understand these things the greater ability we have to show up authentically; our relationship with life, people, and ourselves improves.

The Aramaic phrase “avra kehdabra” means “I will create as I speak”. This is power of the fifth chakra. Compelling speakers move audiences because of their ability to connect audiences to their message. The fifth chakra is a bridge. And we can all learn how to use it well.

Through practice, and time, we can tap into the beauty of light that is the fifth chakra. The tools we will employ: advanced voice work techniques (available to all levels of experience), mindfulness, inspired thought, meditation, resonance, power of sound, and movement techniques aimed at freeing the body and breath. This is a sure path to connect with the inherent power of our voices again.

This six-class series class is therapeutic in nature. During this class, we will focus on:

Embodying the power of sound

(Awareness of, Freeing, Mechanics of, etc.) Breath




Gentle movement

Speaking from the energetic centers (chakras)

Inspiration – what it is and how to use it well

Precision of word choice

Mindfulness Meditation

and Creative Play!

Each week participants receive prompts to deepen their learning, videos, and supplemental materials. 

Meet Melissa on our podcast, Meditation Happy Hour: Tea, Talk & Truth with Karuna! Or watch the video below.

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

About Melissa Grogan

Melissa Grogan is a certified teacher of Meditation (300 hr), Voice Coach, Yoga (200 hr), sound therapist, Reiki Master Teacher, and is certified in Advanced Pranic Healing. She will complete her Somatic Movement Educator certification in 2023. Her classes combine all of these specialties into a unique blend that allows the participant to experience the power of their own instrument. She has been teaching, and practicing for more than 20 years. She leads meditations regularly and uses meditation as the cornerstone of all of her classes, private sessions, and daily life. 

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