Mind Oasis Teacher Training

and Certification with Karuna

Prerequisite: The Mind Oasis Meditation Immersion. Starts November 2023.

Due to our desire to grow our fleet of guides on Community Meditation™, we are waiving the registration fee of anyone who registers for the 2023 Meditation Immersion.  

Pick your time track!

Friday Evenings (Saturday morning in Australia/New Zealand) 

Two mandatory workshops, 

10 & 11 November - 7pm CT

-- or --

Saturday Mornings (Sunday afternoon in Europe/South Africa)

Two mandatory workshops, 

11 & 12 November - 9am CT

Practicum & Mentorship, on your schedule once/week throughout December and January.

The Mind Oasis Teacher Training and Certification program is unique in a number of ways.  Probably the most exciting is that after completing the program, you are invited to be a paid guide as a part of the Community Meditation™ team.  We train you and then offer you a space to share your meditation experience.

The Community Meditation™ program on Mind Oasis is at an exciting place of growth and expansion. In order to fulfill our mission to bring the timeless benefits of meditation and mindfulness to people worldwide, we are actively seeking to grow our team by 20 individuals in the coming months.  The Community Meditation™ team is comprised of around 30 of the most wonderful people you’ll ever work with. The folks who show up throughout the day that you will be guiding are stellar as well. You will make new friends around the world.

In the Mind Oasis Teacher Training, you will learn: 

  • The difference between guiding, teaching, and practicing meditation.

  • How to hold space for others regardless if they are online or in-person.

  • A basic template you can use to guide people safely and powerfully in meditation, so they feel accomplished and want to return to their cushion again and again.

  • How to weave inspiration, music, and poetry into your session.

  • The importance and power of a well-paced session. 

  • When to use and when to lose a script.

  • How to help your guests to use the five senses and thoughts/sensations in their practice (as opposed to pushing these things away).

  • Appropriate use of check-ins, body scans, and sensation of breath in a session.

There will also be:

  • Trauma-sensitive guidance.

  • Ethics in the studio/classroom. How to do no harm. 

This training is for you if you:

  • Want to deepen your personal practice. Guiding is the absolute best way to do so.

  • Are keen to join a really fantastic group of people doing good in this world.

  • Have no experience guiding meditation and the thought of doing so, scares the bejeezus out of you (this is true of almost everyone who joins!).

  • Have some experience teaching yoga or as a therapist, etc. and would like to incorporate guided meditation into your offering in a powerful and safe way.

  • Would like to offer guided meditations in your office or the boardroom.

  • Want to share the timeless benefits of meditation and mindfulness with people worldwide.


We will meet for two, 2-hour workshops to learn the basics of guiding meditation. Both sessions are mandatory.  For the two weeks thereafter, you’ll be placed into a group of three to practice with on your own. You’ll be guided in how to offer helpful feedback to one another. Probably the neatest part of this time is that you will find courage and empathy with your colleagues, which has resulted in a number of meaningful friendships long after your practicum is done. After you gain confidence with the script you will be given, and will use for the first six sessions that you guide, you will offer six sessions under the guidance of Karuna on Community Meditation™ before the end of the year (an average of 1/week). Upon completion of your six practice sessions, you are a certified guide and are eligible to place that certification on your resume.  You will be paired up with a mentor along the way!

At Mind Oasis, if you choose to do so (and we hope that you will!), you can engage in an extended mentorship for three months, guiding on Community Meditation™ and continuing to hone your skills under the guidance of senior Community Meditation™ guides. Thereafter, you are hired on as a beginning meditation guide. 

Registration Fee:

$1500 for the Teacher Training and Certification

Waived if enrolled in the 2023 Meditation Immersion

Due to our desire to grow our fleet of guides on Community Meditation™, we are waiving the registration fee of anyone who registers for the 2023 Spring Meditation Immersion.  

Our expectation for the two months:

  • You will show up for the two mandatory workshops.

  • You will meet with your mentorship group for a minimum of three times.

  • You will guide a minimum of six Community Meditation™ sessions before the end of the year.

  • You will use the provided script during the practicum.

Recognizing that in order to become a global community, we need to continue to reach beyond the borders of the continental United States, we are actively seeking participants from the Australia/New Zealand part of the world, as well as Europe/South Africa who are interested in becoming certified Mind Oasis Meditation Guides.

Meditation Immersion Q&A

Explained in 18 minutes

Enrolled in the 2023 Meditation Immersion? You'll be enrolled for free.

About Karuna

Leaning on the stellar instruction she has received from her meditation and dharma teachers and Life Itself, Karuna designs her classes to create the type of reflection from which you can find a meaningful and enriching life.

Sassy, fun, and knowledgeable, class with Karuna is sure to inspire.  You can expect to learn exactly what you need to create a joyful and curious life.  Expect your paradigm to shift in playful and potent ways. 

Karuna has studied Tibetan Buddhism extensively. She has taught and guided hundreds of hours of meditation sessions.  It is her greatest desire that all beings be happy and free.

When she isn't guiding meditation, working on writing a book, teaching a Dharma class, or trail running, you will find Karuna hiking with her husband Joseph and two dogs, Ruby Rose and Stella Bean in the mountains of ColoRocky.

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