Summer Solstice Circle

with Ashley Sapir-Lathrop

Single workshop

21 June 

Tuesday at 6:00pm CT (90 minutes)

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If you cannot make it live (or wish to revisit the material), a recording will be made available about 48 hours after the session. Live attendance is preferred on Mind Oasis and is part of what we call our special sauce!

Celebrate the highest point of the sun (in the northern hemisphere) with ritual, history, Tarot, kitchen medicine and herbal alchemy.

Summer Solstice is about embracing expansiveness, joining in community and letting our wild creativity flourish. Join us in a magical circle where we’ll ground, learn, celebrate and enter through the portal to Summer. 

Kitchen medicine topics will include recipes for skincare and wild food. Herbal Alchemy will be a sharing about herbs that keep us cool in the summer heat that will be blended into a delicious tea to drink iced. 

Participants will be able to purchase a portion of the tea and Ashley will also provide sources for each ingredient in case you want to blend your own. 

Please wear comfortable clothes, bring a journal and have a candle nearby to light. Most of all wear anything that makes you feel shiny! Consider having an altar set up, it doesn’t have to be fancy. Your altar may include a rose quartz, some golden or red flowers, a candle and any sacred items that are close to your heart.

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

About Ashley Sapir-Lathrop

Ashley is an Herbalist, Health Coach and Earth Based Ritualist who loves offering workshops to the Mind Oasis Community. In her workshops Ashley weaves together kitchen medicine, the history of Witch’s, nature connection, astrology, Tarot, meditation and alchemy to create an interactive ritual circle. Celebrating the high holidays of the wheel of the year, in community, make the beginning of each season evermore exciting and connects us to the energy of the moment.

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