Author Chat and Book Launch

with Livia Shapiro

Enjoy a reading with Livia, a guided somatic meditation and a Q&A.

Recorded December 2020

Watch Livia's Interview on Meditation Happy Hour with Karuna.

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Listen to the podcast.


Release tension, boost your mood, and heal from traumatic experiences with therapist-approved activities in this easy-to-use guide to somatic therapy.

The effects of a traumatic event are more than just mental. Trauma can manifest in the body as chronic pain, sluggishness, and even depressed mood. Somatic psychology is an alternative therapy that analyzes this mind-body connection and helps you release pent-up tension and truly heal from past trauma. 

The Somatic Therapy Workbook offers a primer to this life-changing approach as a means for personal growth, designed for beginners or those already using somatic techniques in their current therapeutic process. Ideal for those suffering from PTSD and other trauma-based afflictions, this safe and approachable look at somatic therapy includes:

- journal exercises

- body-centered prompts for personal inquiry

- movement exercises

- real-life experiments

Readers will come away with a new ability to process and accept their emotions and an understanding of how to live a somatically-oriented and embodied life.

About Livia

Livia Shapiro is a mama, long time yoga practitioner and teacher, somatic psychotherapist and author. 

Livia writes on the intersection of yoga, somatics, and psychology, offering a fresh and sane voice to the emergent trends within the fields of yoga and wellness. She is the author of the forthcoming book, The Somatic Therapy Workbook: stress-relieving exercises for strengthening the mind-body connection and sparking emotional and physical healing, to be released in November 2020. Her article Yoga-Based Body Psychotherapy is published in the International Journal of Body Psychotherapy and is a tool for weaving yoga and psychotherapy into a seamless psychotherapeutic model. 

She concurrently writes prolific and vivid prose and free verse on topics including; feminism, dismantling and healing misogyny, narcissistic abuse, and the vast array of motherhood experiences. She has been featured on a variety of podcasts speaking elegantly to all of these topics with nuance, sanity, complexity, and courageous humanity. 

In the yoga world she brings essential Somatic Psychology principles and tools to dedicated yoga students and instructors worldwide through Applied Psychology for Yogis and her weekly somatic and attachment oriented yoga classes. 

Having practiced and taught yoga for over two decades, Livia encourages people to grow their ranges of motion and emotion through steady asana practice, somatic education, and body-centered mentorship. Known for her sincerity, directness and humor, her teachings illuminate the spiritual path as deeply human and body-centric. 

As a Somatic Psychotherapist Livia works holistically, helping women reorient and repair their nervous systems to live more vibrantly and powerfully. She assists in one’s processes of trauma healing, navigating the threshold journey of motherhood, and supporting the emergence of authentic desire and healthy impulses.  She is a fierce and vocal advocate for maternal wellness and healthcare as well as the health and sanity of all women. Livia is skilled in working with grief/loss, anxiety, PTSD, attachment trauma and intimate betrayal, major life transitions, eating disorders, and spiritual emergence in mind-body practitioners. 

Livia holds a masters of Somatic Counseling Psychology from Naropa University in Boulder, CO and is a certified SomaSource Life Cycles Practitioner. She graduated Cum Laude from the University of Vermont focusing on Psychology and comparative religion.

An avid mover, meditator, artist and cook, Livia resides in Boulder, CO with her family.