From Snakes to Wheels: A Back-Bending Yoga Series

with Karlie Lemos

3-week series on 9, 16, & 23 Jan 2021

Saturdays at 10:00am CT 

Duration: 2 hours (time zone converter)

Listen to Karlie's podcast interview on Meditation Happy Hour: Tea, Talk, and Truth with Karuna

Prefer video? You can watch on YouTube

This course will focus on the components and structure of back-bending postures from belly down to pushing up. A healthy spine moves in all directions and back-bending postures expand the lungs, strengthen the whole back of the body, activate prana to help energize the body, and mobilize the chest and shoulders... making them the perfect alternative to working at a computer! 

We’ll slowly prepare the body to access positions we don’t usually move into in daily life. Heart-opening postures are simultaneously freeing, vulnerable, and difficult. Oftentimes they are offered in classes without much support or instruction (or not offered much at all). 

We will look at a practical, integrated and progressive approach to working with back-bending postures. Over the course of 3 weeks we will work on the components and structure of back-bending postures.

Week 1:  Belly-down backbends

Week 2: Up to the knees

Week 3: Arch toward the sky

Benefits from taking this course include increased strength and confidence with an opportunity for self-inquiry and individualized instruction. 

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

About Karlie Lemos

Karlie Lemos, E-RYT-500, discovered her yoga practice in 1998. In 2005, she completed her 200-hour Hatha Yoga teacher training through the lens of Iyengar Yoga. Karlie went on to complete her 500-hour certification under the guidance of Christina Sell, after years spent immersed in Anusara Yoga. Karlie also draws from her background in Ashtanga, Vinysasa, Yin, and Restorative yoga, as well as the exploration of her own practice and her knowledge of anatomy.

She is known for her skill in sequencing asana and offering safe, well-rounded, and grounded practices, as well as being able to meet all students from yoga beginners to seasoned practitioners where they’re at.

She is inspired by the deep well of yoga philosophy and threads these perspectives into her asana classes from a light-hearted and playful perspective. She offers a space for students to use their body as a vehicle for growth, healing, discovery, and empowerment.

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