Self Love Revolution Masterclass

with Jonathan Troen

8-week series 


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Get everything you ever wanted in life, simply by being kind to yourself.

You see, we’ve been taught from a very young age that if we work hard, we will be successful, and once we’re successful, then we can be happy. We’ve become a nation that continually seeks happiness in the future. And the future, for many, never comes. Self Love flips this equation.

Self Love creates happiness now. And when you are happy, you are already successful. And when you are successful, it’s easy to work hard and contribute to society. Many view Self Love as weak. But the truth is, Self Love may be the most courageous act of civil disobedience you can take.

I know you’ve tried other things before. If you hadn’t you wouldn't be here right now.

This Masterclass is different. Self Love is not about making a small shift, it’s about a new way of living. A way of living they never taught you growing up.

If you are ready for transformation that will stay with you, not just for one month, or even one year, but for an entire lifetime, I invite you to join us.

In this Masterclass you will learn the manual for living a fulfilled and joyous life:

Week 1: Begin Your Journey

  • Learn the 3 steps to create lasting change

  • Begin accepting yourself as you are today

  • Lay the foundation for a life of Self-Love

Week 2: Meet Your Saboteurs

  • Meet the voices in your head that are holding you back (You're not the only one who talks to yourself - it's true!)

  • Discover the 13 Inner Critics that want you to fail

  • Learn proven tools to work with your Inner Critics and free yourself from bondage. Basically, you can stop fighting with yourself.

Week 3: Meet Your Inner Guides

  • Learn how to access your Inner Wisdom to get the answers you need

  • Meet your army of supporters whose mission it is to help you succeed

  • Stop taking mundane action and turn it into Inspired Action

Week 4: Turn Fear Into a Friend

  • Learn how Fear holds you back and how you can use it to propel you forward

  • Learn how to neutralize any negative emotion that comes to you

  • Learn the #1 tool for transforming any relationship that you have

Week 5: Optimize your Emotional Energy

  • Discover the tools you need to optimize your emotional energy

  • Lay the foundation for creating positive change in your life

  • Learn the #1 tool for changing your life, and the lives of everyone you touch

Week 6: Forgiveness & Freeing Yourself

  • Discover the truth behind forgiveness

  • Learn to heal yourself from years and decades of pain

  • Give up past stories so you are free to create your future

Week 7: Self Love Mastery

  • The magic happens as we put everything together.

  • Learn how to practice daily to experience Love on a grander scale

  • Welcome yourself to a completely new way of living and begin creating everything you desire!

Week 8: Take Inspired Action

  • Learn why some actions work and some don't

  • Never again be confused about which path is correct for you

  • Always know the correct action to take, and move forward with confidence

At the end of this Masterclass, you will have your life back. You will have the tools to create joy, to create love, to create happiness, to create success. And you get to define what success means.

*Note: There will be no class on Sunday 29 November.

Enjoy Jonathan's Podcast appearance on Meditation Happy Hour with Karuna

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Watch on YouTube

Please join us! 

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

About Jonathan

Jonathan Troen is a Life Mastery Coach, and co-founder of Austin Yoga Tree and the Life Mastery Collective. He also serves on the Board of Directors for Perfectly Here.

His mission:

To help people find the joy inside of themselves.

Jonathan spent 20+ years in the music and entertainment business. He was living the life of his dreams, meeting the biggest stars in the world, except he wasn't very happy. He couldn't figure why.

Following a surgery that came with complications, he began his yoga practice to rehabilitate himself. He quickly discovered that while yoga had a dramatic effect on his body and physical well-being, it had an even more dramatic effect on his mind and mental well-being.

While yoga opened the door to a new way of living, there was still more research to be done. Jonathan began studying people–how people lived, why they did what they did, what they really wanted from life, and how they defined success.

His studies brought him to one conclusion: most of us are mean to ourselves, and all we really want is to be loved. We think we are not enough, and believe if we work hard enough, we will be enough, and then we can be happy and be loved. He also discovered that when we seek love from outside of us, it is fleeting. The only lasting love comes from inside of us. And since we haven't been taught to love ourselves, this creates a problem, for us as individuals and as a society.

Once he made this discovery, he started practicing Self Love on himself. It was difficult at first, but he continued to practice. And then began teaching and sharing with others.

Jonathan created the Self Love Revolution specifically to share the methodology he created after 15 years of research and practice.

Jonathan's belief: We all deserve success. We all deserve to be loved. And we all deserve to be treated kindly, especially by ourselves.

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