Asana with Michael

A FREE Session


16 March 2021

7pm ET//6pm CT

60 minutes

It's been too long since we practiced together - let's have a yoga asana reunion with Michael in this free session brought to you in partnership with Vessel Academy and Mind Oasis. 

Michael is the lead teacher for the upcoming Yoga Immersion (starts 3/29/2021). Learn more about this deep dive 4-month study here

Benefits include opening & realignment of the entire body, optimizing strength, flexibility, coordination & balance, pre-emptive banishing of afflictions, non-functional stress, increased immunity against dis-ease, toning of the organs, increased circulation & oxygenation of the blood. The physical practices set the stage to enter the realm of the astral body so energy (prana) may be focused, raised, peaked & then grounded in order to explore states of consciousness in meditation where the mind may become a powerful ally of the heart. 

NOTE: This is an asana and movement course.

About Michael

Michael Hewett has studied & taught Yoga & meditation for 25 years & a musician for over 35 years. In 2010, at the request of the community he founded Vessel Academy, which offers a braided spectrum of mind, body & spirit practices for daily life. Our curriculum is a lineage based, open minded & experiential whole life educational training system which marries Indian, Tibetan Buddhist & Yogic technologies. We support curiosity, exploring boundaries & to live Alive!

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