Resilience: The Awakened Heart of the Bodhisattva

with Rosa Schnyer

Sunday 6 June 2021

4:00 pm CT  (90 minutes)

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Resilience is all the ‘buzz” these days, but what does it really mean to cultivate our capacity to dynamically adapt and effectively respond when our intention is to move through the world with an open heart? Resilient compassion is not about powering through with grit and determination, but about finding a flow that allows us to be effective agents of healing and change with wisdom and integrity. 

In verse 18 of Silver River, 37 Practices of the Bodhisattva, Tokmé Zongpo (Translated by Ken McLed “Reflections on Silver River”) suggest that when we are “...desperately ill and emotionally crazed” we don’t lose heart, but rather “...take in the suffering and negativity of all beings. This is the path of the Bodhisattva”. This sounds great, but how taking in more pain can lead to liberation from our own suffering. How exactly do we do that without falling into empathic distress? Where do we find the inner resources when we are feeling totally burned out by our own distress? The practice of Tonglen, of sending and taking, provides an invaluable container for the tears, the despair and the pain. Share the gift of your practice and your healing energy and join us as we move bravely through this challenging time with an open heart. Together we can create a shelter of healing and peace. 

“Strive at first to meditate

Upon the sameness of yourself and others.

In joy and sorrow, all are equal.

Thus be guardian of all, as of yourself” 

The Way of the Bodhisattva --Chapter 8, verse 90-- by Shantideva, translated by Pema Chödrön in “No Time To Lose”

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About Rosa

Rosa N Schnyer is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese medicine, Functional medicine practitioner, and a certified Dakini meditation and Dharma Yoga instructor. Passionate about empowering people to become active agents in their own health, she lectures and teaches frequently on stress management, resilience, East Asian medicine and contemplative practices.

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