Perceptual Mastery: Learning to Recognize and Act Upon What We Have Influence Over

with Michele Nevarez

2 Session Series

18 May & 1 June

Wednesdays at 10:30am central time zone (90 minutes)

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If you cannot make it live (or wish to revisit the material), a recording will be made available about 48 hours after the session. Live attendance is preferred on Mind Oasis and is part of what we call our special sauce!

Join, S. Michele Nevarez, author of Beyond Emotional Intelligence: A Guide to Accessing Your Full Potential and CEO of Beyond EI as she guides you how to tap into your own personal agency, that is what you have the capacity to influence most directly in yourself. What could be more important than knowing and acting upon what you have influence over in your own life? Unless we take the time to learn how to activate our own present-moment potential, we're mostly just responding to the internal and external cues that keep us going through our lives in passive-perceptive mode.

Over the course of her career as an executive working for global companies across a range of functions and industries, Michele coached hundreds of leaders and colleagues. She began to notice patterns emerging that pointed to where people get stuck in their lives, not necessarily related to their outer habits--though, that too--but more so pointing back to their inner habits of mind, the internal cues leading them down the same dead-end paths of habitual sensemaking. She summarized and compiled the main areas where she saw people getting in their own way again and again into the 12 Self-Discoveries, habits of mind that can either hinder us and act as obstacles or that can act as allies, to the extent we can become aware of how they are operating beneath the surface what we are normally aware of. Using these insights and practices, Michele created an entire journal-based coaching methodology to help coaches and clients learn to embody the best of our understanding of what it means to be both emotionally intelligent as well as perceptually intelligent, meaning skillful with how we make sense of our own perceptions and emotions as well those of other people.

After having collaborated and studied with pre-eminent thinkers in fields of Neuroscience, Leadership, and Emotional Intelligence (Dr. Richard Davidson, Dr. Boyatzis, and Daniel Goleman), Michele realized that no one was talking about or focusing upon the internal habits of mind responsible for every single result we're getting in our lives today. Instead, the world of business and even organizational behavior has mostly been focused on the outcomes or behaviors of what it looks like when leaders do a lot of things well. And while it's great to have a map and description of those competencies and behaviors we think differentiate excellent leaders from mediocre ones, it's not the same as teaching someone what they need to know to get there. Drawing from her corporate experience along with her personal practice as a Buddhist these past 29 years, Michele makes a point of focusing upon the practices that lead to someone embodying what it means to be emotionally intelligent.

In this workshop, you will learn: 

  • What you have influence over in practical terms

  • How to connect and activate your own personal agency

  • Learn specific practices that allow you to connect again and again with the two main areas of your influence: Your Perceptual Stance and Your Habits of Sensemaking

  • Receive a practical and digestible overview of the science behind what you're learning about

  • How the 12-Self-Discoveries can act as allies instead of obstacles to how you habitually make sense of your own and others' perceptions

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

About Michele

Author of Beyond Emotional Intelligence: A Guide to Accessing Your Full Potential

As Founder and CEO of Beyond EI’s Coaching and Training programs, Michele’s vision is to democratize Emotional Intelligence as a means of igniting personal and global agency.

This driving force is at the core of how the programs she has designed translate EI from theory to a powerful and practical vehicle for meaningful transformation and lasting habit change. It isn’t enough to leave our insights of Emotional Intelligence at the level of theory. We must operationalize EI in a manner that we come to know first-hand what it means to embody the wisdom of EI in our own lives.

Michele brings 25+ years of executive leadership experience working for industry leaders in healthcare, investment management, management consulting, and manufacturing. A founding member of Rangjung Yeshe Institute based in Kathmandu, Nepal, Michele has been studying Tibetan Buddhist philosophy and practicing the wisdom at the core of its contemplative meditation practices for 29 years.

Michele received her B.A. in Religion from Bryn Mawr College and Master of Science degree in Positive Organizational Development and Change from the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University.

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