About the Series

4-Week Series

Noon CT (75 minutes)

Wednesdays, 6 - 27 May 2020

If you miss a session they're recorded and posted to your account within about 48 hours. 

Have you ever considered the belief system you have developed about your own health and healing? Perhaps you know what you don’t believe to be true but deep in your heart what do you really believe and more importantly why?  

Perhaps it’s time to take those beliefs out for some airing and see if they actually align with who you are today.  Using a bit of journaling, sketching, sharing and simple shamatha meditation practices we will take a journey of self-discovery together.

Who is this class for?

From the I’ve never meditated before to the seasoned practitioner

For seekers who are curious about themselves and healing

For those ready to listen to the one true voice when it comes to their health

For those who work in the various fields of health 

How will we spend our time?

We will be forming a community and growing together through 

Posed Questions

Meditation Practice

Written Expression


Closing Reflections

What materials will I need?

A pen or pencil

A set of colored pens or pencils

A notebook or journal

A meditation cushion, bench or chair 

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

About Lauren

Lauren Hubele is a family health coach, educator, and author from San Marcos, Texas, and Foix, France.  She has developed a successful framework for naturally resolving chronic and acute conditions that combines Gemmotherapy extracts, Homeopathy, and a Plant-Based Diet. Lauren inspires and individuals to become their own healer and shares her work through online courses, live seminars, retreats, and books.  She is the author of the Gemmotherapy For Everyone series which currently has three volumes: Building Immunity In Babies & Young Children,  An Introduction To Acute Care, and her newly released Restoring your Immunity. 

She is the mother of three vibrant grown children who were raised on plant-based diets and natural medicine and all live in the Austin area.  When in San Marcos Lauren can be spotted on her daily swims up the San Marcos River and on the nearest mountain trail when in Foix. She fuels herself on vegan meals she passionately prepares and will share with anyone she can!

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