Make Art Not War: A Donation Based Workshop

with DeeDee DeForest

5 March

Saturday at 6:30pm CT (90 minutes)

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Click here to donate. Donations of any size are appreciated. Suggested donations is $40 or more. 

Inspired by the Elephant Journal article written by Karuna, the founder of Mind Oasis, DeeDee was inspired to offer a creative way to help the people affected by the war in Ukraine. “Make Art Not Art” is her expression and offering which provides a new and creative approach to self-care. One way to be of service to the world right now is to care for ourselves. 

Join us Saturday evening for some creative expression and self-care. No artistic skills needed… this workshop is for everyone! Taking care of ourselves allows us to be more available to others in need. Plus… donations from this workshop will go to Unicef to support the Ukrainian people.

Click here to donate. Donations of any size are appreciated. Suggested donations is $40 or more. 

We will start the workshop with a guided meditation before DeeDee teaches us all about art journaling and the benefits it offers. You will start your own art journal that you can continue in the days, months, years that follow. 

Below is a list of art supplies that are recommended to bring to class. You certainly can use many items you already have around the house to help create your art journal. If you don’t have all of the supplies, bring what you can and come to the workshop to meditate, connect, learn, and support a good cause.


Art Journal:

1 x Sketchbook (mixed media paper preferred), notebook, pamphlet to recycle, or a book to recycle. The thicker the paper the better. 


Other supplies

1 x Glue stick, Rubber cement or matte medium

1 x Scissors

Magazines, newspapers, catalogs, advertisements to cut up

Acrylic paints 

Paint brushes (a small mixed media variety pack will work)

1 x sheet of wax paper

1 x container for paint water

1 x paper plate (to mix paint)


Optional but you will probably want some of these items:





Colored Pencils

Watercolor paint 


stamps & inks


Glitter Markers

About DeeDee

Deidre, also known as DeeDee, is from Verona, Wisconsin where she is a Graphic Designer, Illustrator, and Fine Artist. DeeDee recently became a Mind Oasis meditation guide. Her upbringing was encouraged with creativity and music, doing art projects with her mother and helping her mother with craft shows, which led her down the creative career path. Art and being creative feeds her soul.

DeeDee has practiced yoga for 7 years, and became very serious with her practice in 2021 when she enrolled in the Mind Oasis Yoga Immersion. While in the Yoga Immersion, she discovered the many benefits of meditation, and decided to enroll in the Meditation Immersion that Mind Oasis also offers. It felt almost serendipitous to her how all these steps aligned with one another because they all complement each other. She believes that meditation is very similar to art… anyone can do it, if they sit down and just do it. The more you practice, the more natural it becomes. 

DeeDee enjoys guiding meditation because she enjoys holding a safe space for community, sharing the many benefits of meditation, and getting to meet all the wonderful people that come to her sessions. 

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