Mahamudra Master Training: The 8 Mindsets of Emptiness, Sutra to Tantra

with Kimberley Lafferty

14 March - 2 May

Mondays at 6:00pm central time zone (2 hours)

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Live attendance is preferred on Mind Oasis and is part of what we call our special sauce! However, if you cannot make it live (or wish to revisit the material), a recording will be made available about 48 hours after the session.

This Mahamudra Master Training is special in a few ways. First, it offers a step-by-step map of wisdom as a lifetime guide to practice and realization. It is steeped in lineage, and the oral and written traditions of Gelug Indo-Tibetan Buddhism. It takes the mind itself as the object of meditation, from the sutra to tantric viewpoint. 

We will study eight different perspectives on what the profound practice of Wisdom actually is, according to various schools. We will learn and practice eight understandings on what the realization of “emptiness” is and how it leads to “enlightenment.” 

This dharma wisdom, as handed down, is a rare and precious jewel, a deep gift to humanity. After taking this course and doing the requisite work, you will be able to share these teachings with others; thus, preserving a profound indigenous wisdom tradition which promotes compassion and wisdom in this world. 


Mahamudra, or the Great Seal, from the Root Text for the Great 

Seal (Mahamudra)         

The First Panchen Lama, Lobsang Chukyi Gyeltsen (1565-1662), 

From various texts in the lineage of Tsongkapa the Great (1357- 1419). 

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Meet Kimberley on our podcast, Meditation Happy Hour: Tea, Talk & Truth with Karuna! Or watch the video below.

About Kimberley

Kimberley received the oral and written instructions of Mahamudra in 2001 while supporting a traditional, three-year, solitary retreat in the Sonoran desert. Like many students before and after, the scope and depth of Mahamudra's profound instructions radically awakened her awareness. They have been a mainstay of her practice and teaching for twenty years. Kimberley is a scholar-practitioner with advanced degrees in Human Development, completed the traditional 12 years of study including required solitary retreats with the Gelugpa lineage, and was designated a “Lama” by her own Tibetan Buddhist teachers. Over the decades she has taught Vajrayana Buddhism to hundreds of students privately and in multi-year group cohorts. 

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