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Five-Week Series


1pm CDT

2pm EDT (60 minutes)


LovingKindness Meditation or Metta comes from the Buddhist practice of extending goodwill and the wish for the happiness of others to others. It begins, however, with offering that ourselves.

May I Be Happy May I Be Peaceful May I Be Safe May I Be At Ease 

Sometimes, however, we don’t feel safe.

Participants will learn the basics of PolyVagal Theory and why our bodies are constantly looking to feel safe through our innate neuroception, what happens when that neuroception becomes faulty, and how the utilization of specific mind/body skills can help us find calm and ease through a fully embodied Lovingkindness practice.

Clinicians and trauma therapists may find this beneficial for their patients and clients. 

Gina de la Chesnaye will demonstrate how to utilize mind/body practices - such as breathwork, movement and restorative postures - through the lens of PolyVagal Theory to better support and understand the neurobiology behind LKM, and share techniques to teach and practice Lovingkindness Meditation in a more nuanced and trauma-informed way.

This series is open to all participants regardless of experience.  Scholarships are available. 

About Gina

Gina de la Chesnaye offers contemplative based mind/body practices for trauma recovery and resiliency as well as trauma informed trainings for social workers, trauma therapists and caregivers. 

She is a core faculty member of Second Response and has worked most recently in East Africa offering to survivors of sex-trafficking, refugees, street-children and the women of the Kampala slums.  In 2018, Gina founded the Nachan Project, which focuses on the women and children in the Katwe and Kisenyi slums in Uganda while also training the street couselors, social workers and caregivers in Kampala and Lira. 

She serves as key faculty for The Lineage Project bringing practices to at-risk and/or incarcerated youth and their support staff in New York City. Gina has also been a competitive kickboxer for 20 years and is skilled in Western boxing, San Da and Muay Thai. 

She lives in Brooklyn with her two teen daughters and has a private practice working with trauma survivors at The Iris Kaplan Center in Manhattan.

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