Brought to You By Senior Students of Lama Marut

To honor their Teacher’s commitment to help us all become better for others, The Classical Texts and Authentic Practices curriculum will now be taught by senior students of Lama Marut.

How to Live Well in a Messy World

with Rick Blue

6-week Series 

14 March - 18 April 2021

Sundays at 6:30pm CT (2 hours) time zone converter

Recordings available within 48 hours if you miss a session!

The second of the three yogas of the Bhagavad Gita, karma yoga, provides the key to freedom not through renunciation of the world but rather while still actively engaged in the world. While we may now be imprisoned in the world of karma, the yoga of action is a practice for conducting ourselves in such a way that liberation is possible without giving up worldly activity and relationships.

Topics include: “The Necessity of Action,” “The Laws of Karma,” “Karma and the Mental Afflictions,” “Liberation from Karma,” “Action for Its Own Sake,” “Detached Action,” “Selfless Action,” and “Offering Up the Fruits of Action.”

Benefits of the Course:

  • Learn what the Gita says about debilitating depression and how overcome it
  • Analyze the apparent discrepancy between what you think you should do and what you feel you must do in your life
  • Recognize the “laws of karma” and how they work
  • Discover how to escape from the “laws of karma” and achieve liberation not through renunciation but by means of informed, disciplined, and selfless action without expectation
  • Implement your practice of “karma yoga” in service to others

Based on selections from the Bhagavad Gita.

About Rick

For the better part of twenty years Rick was privileged to have Lama Marut as a teacher and a friend.  Throughout those years, while working in the film and television industry in Los Angeles, Rick studied continuously with his Lama, including a rigorous a series of eighteen courses in both Tibetan Buddhist Sutra and Tantra. He helped to found Marut’s flagship Buddhist Center in Los Angeles, and later served as Resident Teacher/Spiritual Advisor of the affiliate Middle Way Center in Cape Ann, Massachusetts.

For ten years, Rick and his wife Lindsay Crouse hosted the annual Summer Retreat where thousands of people were introduced to Lama Marut’s brilliant teaching, his wisdom, kindness and humor.  

“It is a privilege to present one of Lamaji’s courses in remembrance of all he shared with us: high spiritual teachings delivered with great patience, and his unique brand of warmth and scholarship.”

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