Let it Burn

A Very MO New Year's Day celebration

New Year's Day (Friday)

1 January 2021 

2:00pm - 4:00pm CT (2 hours)

(timezone converter)

Our sacred New Year's Day gathering will offer a symbolic way of letting go of what we want to release and of inviting what we want into our lives. 

Through the transformative properties of mantra chanting, yoga asana, and the puja ceremony's fire and smoke we bless and release the past year. 

MO Friends are invited to bring treats to dedicate, share and celebrate together!

We love the idea of burning 2020 (and blessing it as it dissolves). Let's have fun setting intentions together and burning what we want to leave behind. This interactive event will offer guidance on intention setting and teach you how to create your own sacred fire ceremony at home! 

This is a chance to generate lightness, joy, and a sense of connection. Together, let's keep looking for blessings during the hard times, to integrate the lessons we have learned, and share them with one another. 

Featuring mantra with harmonium by Maria Novak, heart-opening yoga with Natalie Hain, sacred puja fire ceremony led by Elizabete Gomes, hosted by Karuna, Executive Director of Mind Oasis. Please bring your special treats to share with your MO friends and get ready to party!

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.