Introduction to Tantra (Course 1: Foundations)

with Michael and Chelsey

5 January -  26 January 

Wednesdays at 6:00pm CT (2 Hours) 

(timezone converter)

If you cannot make it live (or wish to revisit the material), a recording will be made available about 48 hours after the session. Live attendance is preferred on Mind Oasis and is part of what we call our special sauce!

Tantrikas Chelsey Fasano and Michael Hewett are joining forces for the first time to lead this extraordinary ‘Introduction to Tantra’ course. Combining nearly 50 years of practice experience, Chelsey and Michael will lead the group through teachings and practices to cultivate passion and purpose. Together, we will learn and practice the art of opening to the awakened state through each ordinary moment.

Topics include:

  • Definitions of Tantra
  • The origins of Tantra
  • The purpose of Tantra
  • The foundations of Tantra
  • Finding ease and power in meditation
  • Accessing ecstatic states
  • Revealing your life’s purpose and accessing flow states
  • Activating spectral intelligence: the physical, creative, sexual, emotional, intellectual and contemplative
  • Safely walking the path of desire
  • Cultivating divine pride
  • The neurophysiology of meditation and Tantra

About Michael

Michael is a musician of 30 years and a Yogi of over 20 years. Michael has over 2,000 hours of Yoga trainings in Tibetan Buddhist Sutra & Tantra (open & secret traditions), Vinyasa, Ashtanga, ISHTA and Shamatha (mind training). Michael has completed four 30-day solitary Tantric retreats and 10 vipassana retreats. He guides people on their individual paths of growth and evolution.

His classes, workshops, and retreats weave together dharma, asana, meditation, and live music to guide participants along their paths with scholarship and artistry. He is the founder and director of Vessel Academy and a graduate of Berklee College of Music.

About Chelsey

Chelsey Lee Fasano combines her seventeen years of experience in the yogic arts and meditation with her scientific research to bring clarity, insight and relatability to spirituality and sex. She has extensive experience with retreat style meditation, classical tantric yoga, and various sexual and embodiment practices, which she began studying as a teenager. She works with the brightest minds in science, sex and spirituality to find the most useful, accurate practices and theories from ancient traditions, in the hopes of making spiritual insight, intimacy, and deep pleasure more attainable and accessible. 

She now researches meditation and neuroscience at Columbia University, works as Head of Research and Development at a sex education company, and offers counseling and instructions in the realms of spirituality, sexuality, and embodiment.

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

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