Four 75-minute sessions

The Buddha taught that suffering, impermanence, and change are three inescapable facets of reality. The coronavirus pandemic has illuminated this reality for each of us in ways that we cannot deny. In this four-week morning meditation series we will explore Buddhist teachings and practices that can help us stay grounded during these times of turbulence and change and mindfully navigate the uncertainty we all face. Each class will include a short Dharma talk, guided meditation, and an opportunity for personal reflection and discussion. This Buddhist meditation series is open to new and continuing students. 

WARNING: There may be Mary Oliver poems and One Song Dance Parties and other unconventional methods used to explore this very traditional teaching!

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Regular pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

About Kelly

Kelly’s meditative journey began more than twenty years ago and has included many different styles of practice and paths of study. She has completed the two-year Shambhala School of Buddhist Studies; Sutrayana Seminary; a six-year advanced Buddhist studies program at Diamond Mountain University; and many individual and group retreats, including several that were a month long. Having received formal instruction in different Tibetan Buddhist lineages, Kelly has found a wonderful integration of deep practice and study realized in the context of everyday life.

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