Go From Stuck to Stellar

with Dallisa Hocking

12 April 

Tuesday at 6:00pm CT (90 minutes)

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If you cannot make it live (or wish to revisit the material), a recording will be made available about 48 hours after the session. Live attendance is preferred on Mind Oasis and is part of what we call our special sauce!


Surrender | Breathe | Embrace


Do you feel like you’re on a hamster wheel of life, and you’re looking for an exit ramp? Or, your mind keeps spinning, and you want to feel empowered and confident that you are making the “right” choices for yourself?


Join 5th generation Psychic Medium and Personal Transformation Coach, Dallisa Hocking, for this powerful live workshop. 

By attending, you’ll enjoy:


  • Thought-provoking questions and conversation around your self-limiting beliefs

  • Meditation and Energetics to help you claim all of your energy back into yourself, dissolving the walls and barriers you have up between you and your biggest dreams

  • A feeling of being seen, valued and held through your journey

  • Live Q/A


In this class you will learn: 

  • How to clear my mind of self-limiting beliefs and sabotage, clearing a pathway to clarity

  • That my inner voice is not always telling me the truth, and that I need to go within for the authentic answers (heart-space)

  • That I can trust myself again!

Nothing is outside of your reach when your mind, body and spirit all align with powerful, all abundant frequencies. You should have the life that you only dream about now. Whether it’s a new job, starting your own business, or attracting soulmate energy into your life, let’s partner together to make it happen!


Dallisa has worked previously with companies such as Microsoft, Karma And Luck, and Venetian Sands Corporation. Her work has also been featured by Yahoo.com, Spectrum News and The Morning Blend.

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

About Dallisa

In 2015, I was a burnt-out employee and entrepreneur. While hustling to be the next “success story,” I believed that sleepless nights and working long days were signals that I was going to make it. Somehow being consumed by work and avoiding other parts of my life felt right and what society expected from me. I was a workaholic.

I was overcome by sadness, loneliness and a fear of failure, but I felt like I had to go through it in order to be seen as a success. The more I worked and grinded out the day, the more I believed people would approve of me.

I had become a hustler.

But what I really wanted was to be loved.

Can you relate?

My self-confidence was tied to what other people thought about me. And, I was on the brink of a total meltdown. 

I was all messed up on the inside, and that was creating confusion and roadblocks on the outside.

I tried working my way out of the problem.

Dallisa, if you grind just a bit harder, it will all work itself out. 

I kept quiet.

If you don’t tell people what’s going on, you won’t burden them with your problems.

I avoided getting help.

You’ll be seen as weak if you hire a coach or take a class. You should be smart enough to figure this out on your own.


My work as a Transformation Coach is personal. You don’t have to suffer a moment longer. And you can actually manifest the life you’ve only dreamed about.

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