Free Mini-Workshop: Nourish- A Delicious Body Ritual

with Hannah Kinderlehrer

17 March 

Thursday at 10:00am central time zone (30 minutes)

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What would life be like if we began each day nourishing and attending to our bodies? In this workshop, we explore new ways to move our energy, blood, lymph fluids, and tap into nourishment that leaves us grounded and in our natural flow. Begin your day grounded and energized, from the inside out!


This class is a free offering for a sneak peek into Hannah's upcoming series; learn more here.

Meet Hannah on Meditation Happy Hour: Tea, Talk & Truth with Karuna below! 

Prefer the podcast? Listen here.

About Hannah

Hannah Kinderlehrer believes we can all live an amazing, full life through the wisdom of the body.. She holds a degree from Naropa University, the Peacemaker Institute and is a Certified Hakomi Practitioner. She is the founder of Awaken The Dance which currently has 20 trained teachers, and is a holistic coach at Rise and Thrive Coaching. Hannah has studied dance for 40 years and has been a student of Buddhism for over 20 years, and is currently studying and practicing Shamanic Healing Arts. After discovering a direct connection between dance, mindfulness, and happiness, Hannah chose to share that through her classes, workshops, groups and coaching sessions in Boulder CO, Costa Rica, Mexico, Shambhala Mountain Center, Naropa University, and beyond.

Get to know Hannah:

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