The Feminine Face of Yoga

with Anne Douglas

All weekend long... 

30 September - 2 October 2022

Friday: 5:00-7:00pm CT  

Saturday: 4:00-7:00pm CT 

Sunday: 4:00-7:00pm CT

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Recordings available for practice on your own time!

Celebrate the feminine roots at the heart of the Yogic Teachings. 

The Classical teachings of Yoga arose in a time of patriarchal rule, with a masculine perspective for a male audience. There are now over 40 million practitioners in North America alone, yet most are women and many are identified as non-binary. How does this gender shift affect the practice? 

The Feminine Face of Yoga values emotion, intuition, sensuality, embodiment and connection with nature, while acknowledging the masculine approach of intellect, renunciation and transcendence as a path to Freedom. This integrated view can positively impact the many personal and global challenges we face at this time. 

  • Experience Tandava Yoga: ecstatic intuitive movement
  • Practice Shakti Pranayama: a gentle yet potent letting go breathing
  • Yoga Nidra with ecstatic guided visualizations
  • Learn about the pre-historical feminine roots of Yoga and how it has quietly endured despite the masculine philosophies that followed
  • Play with the Navarasas: The Nine Rasas or Emotions as your Superpower!
  • Encounter expressions of the divine feminine from yogic texts including the Vijnanabhairava, the Spandakarika and the Pratyabijnahrydayam

The Dalai Lama recently suggested that "the world will be saved by the western woman.” Anne interprets this statement to include the feminine in all of us, beyond gender. The Feminine Face of Yoga offers balance and counterweight to the historical masculine bias found in yoga and in many of the world's philosophical paradigms.

All genders welcome. 

Components of class: 

  • Tandava Yoga (gentle, fluid, intuitive),
  • Feminine Breathwork (Anne calls it “Shakti Pranayama”)
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Philosophical & historical discussion on Yoga,
  • Ecstatic meditations
  • Group sharing

What is the feminine face of yoga? 
Read Anne's blog post to learn more about what the feminine face of yoga means.

“We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the magic we need inside ourselves.” 

~ JK Rowling

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

About Anne

Anne Douglas has been offering meditation & yoga classes, workshops, retreats, trainings and private yoga therapy sessions for over 30 years.  She is the creator of the “iRest Daily 14 Day Meditation Program”, and is the past Director of Trainers for the iRest Institute.  Anne has over 4 million listens to her meditations on the Simple Habit app.  Anne’s boundless enthusiasm, depth of wisdom and gentle humor creates fertile ground for inspired learning.

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