Intro to Embodied Ethics

with Justine Fanarof

27 February 

Sunday at 6:30pm central time zone (2 hours)

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If you cannot make it live (or wish to revisit the material), a recording will be made available about 48 hours after the session. Live attendance is preferred on Mind Oasis and is part of what we call our special sauce!

What are ethics and how do they relate to spiritual practice? What is embodiment and how does it relate to ethics and social justice? In this Intro to Embodied Ethics course we will explore the foundational practices of the Yoga sages, and work to understand their context, meaning, and value in modern life. 

In the Yoga Sutra, a practice text coming from between the second century BCE and fifth century CE, philosophers, sages, and spiritual householders outline an eight-limbed (ashtanga), step-by-step path for purifying the body and mind. This text has found a foothold in the world of the modern yogi as it prescribes a practical formula to help practitioners cultivate a steady mind which may lead to calm and bliss. In its wisdom a foundational practice of ethics is described and provides a useful structure for understanding how we relate to other people, ourselves, and the world of which we are a part. Called yama in Sanskrit, we define this structure to mean ethics in English.

In this Intro to Embodied Ethics course we will explore a basic understanding of the structure of the practice of ethical action and awakening into the inherent integration of all things, and develop a deeper experience of ethics to further our own inquiry, practice, and justice path. 

Optional reading to support teachings

Yoga for a World Out of Balance by Michael Stone

Students will also have the option to work with an Ethics and Commitments Worksheet.

“Yoga is much broader than just asana,” 

says Nicolai Bachman, a Sanskrit scholar and author of The Path of the Yoga Sutras: A Practical Guide to the Core of Yoga. “It’s really a way of life.”

"I can do nothing for you but work on myself…you can do nothing for me but work on yourself."

- Ram Dass

"Only when is it dark enough can you see the stars."

- Dr. King, I’ve Been to the Mountaintop Speech, April 3, 1968, Memphis, TN

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

About Justine

Justine Fanarof, JD, MPH, E-500 RYT is a teacher of yoga and mindfulness since 2004 and a practicing lawyer, mediator, and consultant. A creative, thoughtful, and justice oriented teacher and facilitator; her embodied ethics courses have been taught to students around the globe. Justine is the Owner and Founder of Fanarof Law and Justine Yoga and the creator of Mindful Law™ and Mindful Medicine™, research based programs that support resiliency and well-being for high level achievers in the legal and medical fields. The granddaughter of anti-apartheid activists, Justine was born in Johannesburg, educated in Texas, Spain and Costa Rica, and now lives in Bend, OR where she enjoys camping, hiking, and exploring with her furry monsters Lulu-Jai and Poppy-Jai. She teaches yoga and meditation online via and speaks regularly on the intersection of wellness and justice in the legal profession via Justine serves as Board President of Houston Coalition Against Hate and is chair of the Governance Committee for Mind Oasis.

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