Drop-In and Connect


Wednesday Evenings at 8pm CDT

7pm MDT/8pm CDT/9pm EDT

30 minutes

*If you are enrolled in Community Meditation NO NEED TO REGISTER! It's the same link you use for entering all other CM sessions.  Click HERE to REGISTER for Community Meditation (complimentary thru June).

Prefer to drop in? Scroll Down to Register 👇

Mitigate anxiety, relieve stress, clear your mind, regulate the nervous system, and prepare for deeply healing sleep

NOTE: This is a Yoga Nidra course. You are encouraged to set up a space where you can do gentle restorative yoga movements and lie down for extended periods of time.  You may need a few pillows, blankets, towels, or yoga props. An eye pillow and your favorite aromatherapy scent is recommended to enhance your experience.


Free for Community Meditation Subscribers

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About Turi

As a yoga instructor and holistic health coach, Turi helps individuals develop strength, flexibility and balance in body and mind.

Turi is especially drawn to the quieting practices of gentle yoga and meditation to reduce stress and tension in the body, find the quiet place behind the busy thinking mind, and calm and soothe the nervous system. 

Turi’s is currently completing coursework with the Integrative Restoration Institute (iRest®) as well as the Mind Oasis Meditation Teacher Training. Her previous studies and certifications include Hatha Yoga (RYT500, E-RYT200, YACEP), Heart of Sound: Mantra and Nada Yoga certification, iRest® Yoga Nidra Level 2 Teacher, and Holistic Health Coach certification with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. 

Turi shares a medley of these practices with students at Montana State University through Beginner Yoga and Yoga Nidra Meditation courses for-credit. 

She also enjoys sharing the practices with individuals and groups in the brain injury community through her work with the LoveYourBrain Foundation and as a board member of the Bozeman-based Concussion Resource Center.

Turi believes the abundant beauty, dynamic balance and steadfast strength that is nature is in us as well and that nature can be our greatest teacher if we pause and listen. Off the mat and out of the classroom she can often be found on sunrise trail runs and hiking adventures with her dogs.