Befriending Challenging Emotions

iRest® Yoga Nidra with Karen Soltes

Six 1-hour sessions

Meditation can create a deep state of relaxation in the body and mind.   As we start to relax, a range of emotions residing below the surface may rise up.  

iRest® Yoga Nidra is a meditation that offers us an opportunity to meet, allow, and welcome the full range of our emotions. As we find ways to befriend what may arise, we come to understand the wisdom our emotions carry.

This series shares different approaches to create a safe experience to invite and welcome our emotions, particularly the ones that are challenging to be with.  As we meet, greet, and welcome these emotions, we come to understand the deeper wisdom they bring forward, which inform the actions we need to take in the world.

iRest Yoga Nidra is a form of mindfulness meditation that is easily learned and practiced. iRest invites us to connect to the deeper stillness that is always present.

Watch Karen's episode of Tea, Talk, and Truth with Karuna by clicking here.

Life Long Learning Registration

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

About Karen Soltes

Karen Soltes, LCSW, MA Ed, iRest® Yoga Nidra certified teacher, supervisor and senior trainer. She served as the Director of the Therapeutic Yoga Program at Circle Yoga in Washington, DC and was on the teaching faculty of the MUIH Yoga Therapy Master’s Program.  Karen taught iRest at the Washington DC VA Hospital as part of the Integrated Health and Wellness Program  for 8 years where she observed firsthand the benefits of iRest in alleviating the symptoms of PTSD, Substance Abuse, Anxiety, Depression, and Chronic Pain. In addition to her  work at the VA, she was a founding partner of Warriors at Ease, whose mission is to train yoga and meditation teachers to work in military communities. She currently resides in Durango, Colorado where she hikes, bikes, and savors the outdoors.

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