Bee Fabulous!

Sundays, 6:00pm CT (convert to your time zone)

60 minutes

30 May - Dmitry Yepishin "Let Go Into Power"

Everything in our life is changing, constantly going. The ability and the choice to let our experiences go on their way without the need to grasp or reject allows us to rest in the natural presence and power of our being.

Livestreaming interactive, 4-week series with various wonderful teachers. 

There will be lots of time for Q&A and practices.

*Anyone who has engaged the Pay to Play option for the Meditation Challenge is automatically enrolled in this series! 

RECORDING AVAILABLE - Karen Soltes "Yoga Nidra for Moving Back into Life:  Learning to "Bee" in a Technicolor World"

This year of the pandemic has overall had clear "black and white" rules for what behavior keeps ourselves and others safe.  As we re-enter the world of "technicolor" it is much like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, when the black and white color of life in Kansas opens to the technicolor world of Oz. New rules, new challenges. Our nervous systems have been in a protective survival mode for the past year, and will take time to re-adjust to being out in the world again.

This practice focuses on ways we can maintain a sense of security and calm, as we ease back into life.  

RECORDING AVAILABLE - Kelly Lindsey "Intro to the Dakini"

This workshop explores the Dakini Principle - the wisdom energy of the divine feminine. Through meditation, visualization, mudras and mantra, connect with your own awakened energy and potential for living in the world with wisdom and compassion.

RECORDING AVAILABLE - Jeremy Graves "The Wise Heart: How Compassion and Equanimity Work Together"

Compassion not only enriches our lives and relationships but also is an essential quality to practice in our troubled world. For compassion to be strong, we also need equanimity: a wise inner settledness of the heart. In this class, we will meditate together and look at how equanimity and compassion support and deepen each other.

Pay to Play Option

Support the May Meditation Challenge

Yep! You can pay $40 to register for this series and you will also get access to three other mini-workshops on Mind Oasis during the month of May plus get enrolled to win daily prizes!