AWAKEN the Healer Within - Nurture Resilient Wellness - Autumn Series (Seasonal Series and Optional Group Wellness Coaching)

with Rosa Schnyer

6-week Series

6 October - 10 November 

Wednesdays at 6pm CT (90 minutes)

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Resilience is all the buzz these days. But what does it really mean to cultivate our capacity to dynamically adapt and effectively respond? How can we overcome personal obstacles in our wellness journey, steer through emotional distress and health challenges, bounce back from dis-ease, and find renewed meaning and purpose? All while attending to our everyday life?

Awaken the Healer Within is a seasonal offering to help you create and sustain your own unique roadmap to optimal wellness and resiliency. Each series will include discussion, breathwork, approachable movement, personal inquiry, and group sharing of experiences, health tips, and resources. The Fall is a key time to support our immune system and prepare ourselves for the Winter time. This Autumn, unlock resilience and nurture your physical and emotional wellbeing while sharing in the wisdom of community.

Integrating well-established facts and guidelines from the science of resilience, with the ancient wisdom of East-Asian Medicine (acupuncture-herbal systems), nature-based principles and functional medicine tools, this program is organized around a healing mandala. 

This is the first of a four-part series that will be organized around the seasons. Participants may join one or all of the seasonal offerings.

Each season, beginning with the Fall, we will:

  • Explore and nurture 5 core resilience characteristics: Equanimity, Purpose, Authenticity, Self-Knowing & Perseverance
  • Cultivate and master 6 Resilience skills: Resourcing, Centering, Aligning, Inquiring, Regulating and Connecting
  • Learn health tips based on the science of prevention and the art of self-healing to ignite our journey and empower physical, emotional and mental wellness.

Who will benefit from AWAKEN the HEALER Within?

This journey is for anyone who wants to optimize  their own ability to dynamically adapt and effectively respond to the changes and rhythms within and outside, and to learn effective ways to promote wellness. 

The Fall is the season of harvest, the fruition of all the growth of Spring and Summer. The seeds we have sown, now we shall reap. It is also a time of withering and decay, of returning back, and turning inward, of fallen leaves and blossoms and fallen fruit that fertilize the soil for the next years’ growth, the next phase of life. 

It requires the willingness to let go of that which no longer serves us; to let be and let go of that which has come to pass; to let in and and make space for a new perspective. 

A great opportunity to eliminate what is unnecessary and to distill the essence of what is truly needed, physically, emotionally, mentally. The Fall is a key time to support our immune system and prepare ourselves for the Winter time. 

  • Learn practical ways to support your ongoing healing process
  • Optimize results from working with your physician, healer of any kind or therapist
  • Effectively take agency over your own health and prime your immune system
  • Share in the collective wisdom of community 

The Group wellness coaching will consist of an additional one hour meeting to help participants tailor the program to their individual needs and will be limited to 6 people. More details will be shared about this during the first session

Course participants will also receive a 25% discount on one optional Individual Wellness consultation with Dr. Schnyer. 

Recordings of presentations and guided practices will be available, however live attendance is highly recommended to build community and because of the nature of this work.

Meet Rosa on our podcast, Meditation Happy Hour: Tea, Talk & Truth with Karuna! Or watch the video below.

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

About Rosa

Rosa N Schnyer is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese medicine, Functional medicine practitioner, certified Dakini meditation and Dharma Yoga instructor and Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, where she teaches Science of Mindfulness, the Art of Attention, stress management, and cultivating resilience.

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