Meet the Author

Jenna Hollenstein

Order your copy of Mommysattva: Contemplations for Mothers Who Meditate (or Wish They Could) 

Author Spotlight

Recorded January 2022

Mommysattva is an ode to the path of enlightenment that is motherhood.

Individuals who dedicate their lives to being of benefit to others are known as bodhisattvas.

They vow to work with their own minds to develop wisdom and compassion but delay their own enlightenment out of the knowledge of our interconnectedness with all living beings.

Whether or not she intends to, and regardless of whether or not she’s Buddhist, a woman who becomes a mother takes the vow to be of benefit to others. She becomes a Mommysattva: a warrior of compassion, wisdom, and lovingkindness.

About Jenna

Jenna Hollenstein, MS, RDN, CDN, is nutrition therapist, meditation teacher, and mom to her son Domenico. She is the author of three books including Eat to Love: A Mindful Guide to Transforming Your Relationship with Food, Body, and Life. Jenna has been featured in Forbes, Wall Street Journal, U.S. News & World Report, Health, Lion’s Roar, Mindful, Vogue, Elle, Glamour, Women’s World, and Fox News.

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