Move and Connect

{ postponed until September } 

90 minutes


Benefits include opening & realignment of the entire body, optimizing strength, flexibility, coordination & balance, pre-emptive banishing of afflictions, non-functional stress, increased immunity against dis-ease, toning of the organs, increased circulation & oxygenation of the blood. The physical practices set the stage to enter the realm of the astral body so energy (prana) may be focused, raised, peaked & then grounded in order to explore states of consciousness in meditation where the mind may become a powerful ally of the heart. 

NOTE: This is an asana and movement course.

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

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About Michael

Michael is a musician of 30 years and a Yogi of over 20 years. Michael has over 2,000 hours of Yoga trainings in Tibetan Buddhist Sutra & Tantra (open & secret traditions), Vinyasa, Ashtanga, ISHTA and Shamatha (mind training). Michael has completed four 30-day solitary Tantric retreats and 10 vipassana retreats. He guides people on their individual paths of growth and evolution.

His classes, workshops, and retreats weave together dharma, asana, meditation, and live music to guide participants along their paths with scholarship and artistry. He is the founder and director of Vessel Academy and a graduate of Berklee College of Music.