About the Series

Six-week Series

9:00am CT, Thursdays - 60 minutes (7am PT/8am MT/9am CT/10am ET)

2 Apr - 21 May; no session 23 April and 14 May. 

In this all-levels class we will explore the teachings of the Buddha through the secular lens of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. We will emphasize the basic practices of sitting meditation, following the breath, generating joy, and caring for our thoughts and emotions. 

You will leave our session with the ability to create and maintain your own home practice as well as techniques for staying present during each moment of your day.

Class will include quotes and readings that will be kept in a shared google document for you to refer to anytime.  There will be some time during our call spent in small break-out groups and easy optional homework between sessions. 

If you miss a session - they're recorded and available within 48 hours. 

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

About Annie

Annie Mahon is an inspired creator of spiritual spaces, an author and an ordained Buddhist mindfulness teacher. She is the founder of the Circle Yoga Cooperative in Washington, D.C., the Opening Heart Mindfulness Community, DC Community Yoga, and DC Yoga Week. Annie has been writing and teaching about mindfulness, parenting, stress and yoga since 2004. Her blog, rawmindfulness.com and social media are popular with mindfulness and yoga practitioners. Annie’s book, Things I Did When I was Hangry: Navigating a Peaceful Relationship with Food (Parallax Press, 2015), documents Annie’s search for sanity in her eating disordered family life, and reveals how mindfulness helped her go beyond the search for perfection and learn to love the moment as it is.


Annie holds many certifications in yoga, Focusing and massage therapy and dabbles in Nonviolent Communication (NVC), and has as a B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Michigan and a Masters in Religious Studies from Howard University School of Divinity. When not visiting her children, teaching, traveling with her husband, drinking Jasmine tea, writing or walking her dogs, she practices yoga and mindfulness with her community in DC.

Follow Annie: 




Long bio/story here https://www.rawmindfulness.com/bio

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