Mindful Self-Compassion: Befriending Yourself

with Kelly Sell & Leanna Gilliam

Eight-week series

12 April - 31 May

Tuesdays at 6:00pm-8:30pm CT 

Half Day Retreat: SATURDAY, May 14, 9am-1pm CT

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If you cannot make it live (or wish to revisit the material), a recording will be made available about 48 hours after the session. Live attendance is preferred on Mind Oasis and is part of what we call our special sauce!

This Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) course includes 8 weekly online sessions (2.5 hours each week), and a half-day mindfulness retreat (4 hours). The program is based on the groundbreaking research of Kristin Neff and the clinical expertise of Christopher Germer.

Each week builds on the previous one and participants who register for the course should be able to attend all or most of the 8 sessions. Program activities include guided meditation, short talks, experiential exercises, group discussion, and home practices. The goal is for participants to directly experience self-compassion and learn practices that evoke mindfulness and compassion in daily life.

The MSC course focuses on building emotional resources and cultivating mindfulness to see clearly what is happening so we know how to respond skillfully. Positive changes happen naturally as we develop the capacity to be with ourselves and our experiences with kindness, care and understanding.

This workshop will support you to:

  • Practice self-compassion in daily life
  • Understand the empirically-supported benefits of self-compassion
  • Motivate yourself with kindness rather than criticism
  • Handle difficult emotions with greater ease
  • Bring compassion and clarity to relationships, old and new
  • Manage caregiver fatigue
  • Practice the art of savoring and appreciation

Research shows that self-compassion is strongly associated with emotional well-being, lower levels of anxiety and depression, healthier habits of caring for our bodies, and more satisfying personal relationships.

With self-compassion, we learn to befriend ourselves. We are able to motivate ourselves with kindness, forgive ourselves when needed, relate wholeheartedly to others, and be more authentically ourselves.

*This course benefits new and experienced meditators, no previous experience needed.

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate.

About Kelly

Kelly Sell is a certified Mindfulness Self-Compassion Teacher (MSC) by the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion, UC San Diego School of Medicine. He is a Licensed Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine Practitioner with a Masters Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Passionate about the mind-body connection and the role that emotional healing plays in health and wellness, Kelly is known for his caring, compassionate and down-to-earth approach to spirituality. Because he discovered acupuncture during a physical healing crisis and found MSC during a time of emotional upheaval, he knows first hand the power of integrating the time-tested techniques into one’s life. 

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About Leanna

Leanna delights in sharing the transformative practice of meditation with others. Her heartfelt desire is to create a container that allows practitioners to be held just as they are, right where they are, so the practice can come alive for each individual in their own particular way.  The inspiration for her meditations comes from real-life experiences and observations that reflect the teachings she studies wholeheartedly. Leanna weaves poetry, Buddhism and self-compassion into her shamatha (peaceful abiding) instructions. She is a certified meditation instructor through the 300-hour Dakini Teacher Training program in Austin, Texas  and is currently receiving Mindful Self-Compassion training through the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion.

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