About this Online Retreat

Heart of the Matter: Exploring the Intersection of Poetry and Meditation

An Online Fall Retreat with Karuna and Friends

One Weekend 

Friday 16 October from 6-8 pm CT

Saturday 17 October from 9am - Noon AND 4-8pm CT

Guest: Natalie Hain, Yoga Asana 9-9:45am

Guest: Jonathan Troen, Self-Love REVOLUTION, 10 - 10:45am

Guest: Allison Joy, 5-5:45pm

Guest: Turi Heatherington, iRest Yoga Nidra, 6-6:45pm

Sunday 18 October from 9 -11am CT

Guest: Natalie Hain, Yoga Asana 9-9:45am

 (time zone converter) 

And when great souls die,

after a period peace blooms,

slowly and always

irregularly. Spaces fill

with a kind of

soothing electric vibration.

Our senses, restored, never

to be the same, whisper to us.

They existed. They existed.

We can be. Be and be

better. For they existed.

~ Maya Angelou

Karuna along with other Community Meditation teachers, will bring poetry, meditation, and practices designed to open your body, heart, and mind to the possibility of boundless love during the first annual online Mind Oasis meditation retreat.  Throughout the weekend, you’ll be invited through gentle yoga asana, breathwork, meditation, and inspiring talks to feel into the limitless quality of your heart-mind space.  The world is aching and in need of courageous warriors of the heart.  Join us to pick up new tools for your warrior toolbox!  Masters Rumi, Hafiz, Mary Oliver, Maya Angelou, Pablo Neruda, yung pueblo, and others will guide us along the way.  Spontaneous single-song dance parties are guaranteed!  If you’re retreat-curious, a first-timer, or an old hat, this special weekend long experience will help you shift and infuse your practice with the elixir of love. 

Coinciding with the potent October new moon, come prepared to invite in something new that your heart most desires. Not sure? We’ll help you figure out what exactly it is that your heart most desires at this time!

Tiered-Pricing Options

Supporter pays for your registration plus scholarships. Sustainer pays for your registration. Community is the scholarship rate. Or become an All Access Member of Community Meditation - the cost of the retreat is included!

Become an All Access Member

By becoming an All Access member of Community Meditaiton, this wonderful online retreat is free (plus LOTS of other goodies too!). Upon becoming a member, you will be enrolled in the retreat.

About Karuna

Leaning on the stellar instruction she has received from her teachers -- Hector Marcel, Kelly Lindsey, Denise Deniger, Michael Hewett, and Keith Kachtick, and Life Itself, Karuna designs her classes to create the type of reflection from which you can find a meaningful and enriching life. 

Sassy, fun, and knowledgeable, class with Karuna is sure to inspire.  You can expect to learn exactly what you need to create a joyful and curious life.  Expect your paradigm to shift in playful and potent ways. 

Karuna has studied Tibetan Buddhism extensively. She has taught and guided hundreds of hours of meditation sessions.  It is her greatest desire that all beings be happy and free.

When she isn't guiding meditation, working on writing a book, teaching a Dharma class, or trail running, you will find Karuna hiking with her husband Joseph and two dogs, Ruby Rose and Stella Bean in the mountains of ColoRocky. 

Karuna will be joined in this weekend retreat by several other friends who will share their tremendous knowledge, strength and skill with joyful heart-full energy. 

Join Us!

Remember if you miss a session - they're recorded

Throughout this course we will gently lean into our own heart spaces, exploring the hidden nooks and crannies where we have constricted, closing off to ourselves and others. Through the practice of meditation, we will invite transformation through the embodiment of the words of courageous warriors of the heart, playfully enticing joy into our hearts.

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